Boy have I developed a great appreciation for Saturday mornings. This past year I have been working a Mon-Fri job. In nursing, those are hard to come by. Especially a Saturday morning that is free to do whatever! I can clean house, play with the 'pacas, read, watch HGTV, plan a project or just sit and dream! I could take a walk around the ranch if I wanted. So many possibilities! So what would I do if I had a million dollars and a Saturday Morning to do whatever? You know I'd probably do exactly what I'm doing right now! Work on the blog (it would just be a little more exciting). Life is good.
The weather today is to be fairly nice for January. No snow, no wind chill factors, no ice. One morning this week we had fog that froze on the trees. The newspaper called it "hoar frost", sounds like an S.T.D. doesn't it? Life is good.
I haven't been getting up at 5:00 in the morning to work on the blog, like my New Year's resolution plan. But that is OK. Because New Year's resolutions are goals. If my resolution was to lose weight I wouldn't have accomplished it by January 2, right? Every time I work on my blog in the morning I've accomplished something. Life is good.
Next weekend we will be going to an alpaca show in Oklahoma. We're taking two grandsons. They add an extra bit of fun when they go with us.(Except maybe if you remember my "OOPS!" blog from a few months ago). One is coming for the first time. All the animals we're taking have been to a show before so we're not sweating their performance. I come home from each show with a list of things we should bring next time that would make our presentation better (then I misplace said list before next show). We love to see all the animals at the shows. Beautiful fleeces, beautiful animals. Helps us pilgrims know what to strive for in our breeding program. Life is good.
Trapper and Rocky have somewhat of a competition going!? I hadn't let Trapper outside since the demise of his reproductive organs. Now he is making up for lost time finding mice. He gets them, brings them to the door, then Rocky picks them up and presents them to us, like he was the one that trapped it. He will say something like "look what I did"! We will congratulate him, (doesn't hurt to encourage him). But we know who really got the points for that one. Life is good.
I belong to Epsilon Sigma Alpha. We are a national group of women that raise funds for charitable organizations. Our main charity is St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Our little chapter is very close. We celebrated our 45th year in 2007. Recently we lost a sister. We know she is in heaven working on God's garden with her husband. Life is good. living is the life for me. Sanetha.