Things have been busy on the lane, and not. Hubster retired. Finally and totally. If you think that means I have a resident chef, mower, laundry attendant, sweeper, gardener, or any other menial jobs, WRONG! Hubster has been gimping around on his knee. I have a big, lovable, toss pillow on the couch, with its knee on the ottoman.
We installed a storm shelter. Our plan was always to run to the living room closet. Now we have a 6'x 6' concrete hole. I can't think of any other reason to go down in there unless my life was in danger!
We planted the garden. Well almost. That pesky little thing called an eight hour work day keeps getting in the way of my garden. Tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peppers have been planted, but little else. I did make a little herb garden out of a wash basin I'm quite proud of.
Rocky and I have been walking around the back pasture again. Twice Trapper has followed us around. Ever taken a cat for a walk? He has a short attention span. He walks a bit then sees a blade of grass that looks like something he should pounce on and I have to bring his attention back to our walk by calling his name numerous times. Tonight when I invited him on our walk he just looked at us and said "You just walk around in a circle. I'll stay here on this couch. Thank you for asking." Rocky went to the groomer last week. He is again the very handsome Sheltie he has always been.

Hubster forbids me from having him sheared again... last summer.