Fun Day at Silver Dollar City!!!

Mowing on Sweet Grass ranch

At the MOPACA alpaca show in Kansas City.
"Jacob" with his
His fleece was appreciated and the judge said Jacob was the "total package" .
He has wonderful crimpy, thick, fine fleece.
The best thing is that he is white and his fleece can be spun and dyed into any color in the rainbow.
Whereas if you have brown fleece, you have brown yarn.
If you have black fleece, you have black yarn.
If you have gray fleece, you have gray yarn.
White fleece can be anything!!!

Halter training alpacas is like potty training a toddler. 
If they throw themselves on the ground and refuse to get up you pretend to smile and take a picture.

Sometimes I pretend to be organized. 
 Like when I stack. 
It is faux organization. 
Faux prepared.

Faux organized stack of trimmer string.

Faux organized stack of quilt squares that haven't yet been sewn
Can't think of a really good punch line for the end of this so make up your own on my
Faux organization??