How did you spend your 4th? Were you camping? Boating? Traveling? Then I'm envious of you. Though mine wasn't bad. When you don't do anything, it's a good day!
Today we have been packing up our alpaca fleece to be processed. Not a simple project. We have basically three colors: brown, black, white. Then we have 2 or 3 categories of fineness. The cria (baby alpacas) have very fine fleece, the older ones have more coarse fleece. The hubster bought a loom and is interested in weaving. (He can weave a good "yarn." hee! hee!) I would like to make some felt for a possible project. Then the rest we send to a place back east and buy pre-made alpaca products. They just throw all the fleece in a pile and make stuff out of it - socks, scarves, hats, blankets etc. Have you seen the alpaca coats at Dillard's for $750! My goodness! Hubster says will last forever!
So at 2:30 am last night I woke to a funny noise. First thought it was my husband's breathing machine not quite perfect. I sat up on the side of the bed and NO it wasn't his breathing machine it was a girl screaming! NO it was the alpacas screaming! I got the the gazillion watt flashlight and went out in my night gown (again) thinking I was going to protect my animals from anything! We have three male alpacas in one paddock. Herdsire Leon, non-breeder Alex, teenager Zach. Teenager Zach is munching the hay in the feeder. Alex is chasing Leon around the paddock. Kind of reminded of Captain Jack Sparrow running away from the natives on "Pirates of the Caribbean." Alpacas don't have teeth on top, only a gum. But males have these vicious fighting teeth just for ripping the reproductive organs from an opponent. We had these removed so they couldn't hurt each other, but that doesn't stop them from trying. Leon is screaming and snorting. I turn the spotlight on and everyone freezes! "Busted! Alex walks over to Zach and munches hay like I wouldn't notice he just tried to rip the reproductive organs from the paddock stud. ...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
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