Up & Downs of life.
I am a BAD girl. I haven't worked on my blog in awhile. We've had many events in our lives and I'm not going to waste time saying I'M BUSY!
I'm taking a weeks worth of vacation this week and it feels like a great big marshmallow canyon just waiting for me to jump into. Though it will be filled with work in preparation of Alpaca farm day next weekend; I still can't get the marshmallow canyon out of my mind. I'm gonna spend time with the 'pacas and my daughter, my mom, and as many grandchildren as have time for their grandma.

The hubster's brother passed away. If ever there was a good death, Roger's was. His children and loved ones were at his bedside. He even had a brother in law on a beer run for him! He was an old soul that just went too soon. Yesterday we had a military memorial service for him. His parents and friends here in Kansas were there to honor him. He served our country courageously in Vietnam. I'll miss his voice on the answering machine saying "Hey Sam!"
My daughter's grandpa passed away. Even though I've been detached from my ex-husband's family for thirty years, I
was still saddened by his death. He was a kind, playful person. It's funny about relationships. There is always some kind of a piece of rope that connects you to people even though they are not in your every day thoughts. The rope might become frayed and only holding on by threads but it is still there.

So for happy thoughts!!! The weather has been beautiful in Kansas! We've had cool nights and warm days. The alpacas tell me, "thanks for cooling it off" (they think I also control the weather). We cut nails the other night. Our little Isis figured out several months ago that if she sits down on her chest we can't do anything with her and we leave her alone. Well we have been working hard with her because she is going to show the last of October and must present her beautiful fleece! So she has gotten to where she will walk on a halter and lead but our adult females have figured out that if they sit down on their chest we can't trim their nails!!! Zerlina sat and wouldn't move! She has watched Isis enough to figure this out. She just looks at us with a really stubborn glaze in her eye. The boys haven't woke us up lately though I have heard them occasionally neck wrestling. We know that if we go out there and yell at them and they break it up, it isn't too serious, but if we scream and they don't hear us it is a barroom brawl!

Trapper and Rocky are really best buds!? When Dad-Jack was here he was amazed how Trapper and Rocky play. Rocky will get his entire mouth around Trapper's head and Trapper lets him! When Rocky comes to Trapper saying "It's time to play", Trapper rolls on to his back and bats Rocky around with his paws!? (no claws, just paws!) They say "Mom watch!" as Trapper runs along the back of the couch, across the coffee table, and onto Rocky's back. Then they both look at me like they did the coolest trick!!
Well for today I'm caught up. Hope there was ups to even out the downs.
...farm living is the life for me!
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