I went to the beauty shop this evening. In my earlier life, when I went to the beauty shop I came out looking like the person doing my hair?! My hair is curly which has always been my personal challenge. Yeah I hear people say "You should appreciate curly hair"! I talk to people that don't like their straight, brown, coarse, gray, thin, red, too short, too long, not enough. I have straightened, colored, washed, conditioned, grown, cut my hair. Now in my most mature years I finally like my hair. It's taken 53 years to like something about me. Sanetha
Surprise! We had a baby on Sanetha's Country Lane! It's a girl! Her daddy is our own Leon so this breeding was technically "free". We thought Almond Joy was due to deliver back in October. We had given up on her being pregnant. I came home for lunch on Friday and there was a baby in the field!
Alpacas are stoic. They are prey. If an animal appears sick or in pain in the field they will be the target of any predators in the area. So they have learned to hide sickness, pain, labor.
Breeding alpacas is like tossing a ball in the air on a windy day and predicting where it will land. Colors are unpredictable. The cria is slightly lighter than both her dam and sire. She is beautiful. She has her Dad's sweet face and is the color of coffee with cream. We' re naming her Creme Brulee`. ...farm living is the life for me.
Alpacas are stoic. They are prey. If an animal appears sick or in pain in the field they will be the target of any predators in the area. So they have learned to hide sickness, pain, labor.
Breeding alpacas is like tossing a ball in the air on a windy day and predicting where it will land. Colors are unpredictable. The cria is slightly lighter than both her dam and sire. She is beautiful. She has her Dad's sweet face and is the color of coffee with cream. We' re naming her Creme Brulee`. ...farm living is the life for me.
We shopped a few days ago for new fixtures for hubsters bathroom. We priced a new vanity, sink, and cabinets. We looked at textures of wood, designs of doors, colors of sinks. At one time I had hopes of saving money by redoing this bathroom ourselves. Nope ain't gonna happen...
We enlarged our house by two bedrooms and a bathroom in 2003. Though I love my country home. I should have paid better attention during certain conversations. Like when hubster and the builder were discussing panels in my bathroom. I was hearing wallpaper panels or other such covered panels. Reality was out back of the hardware store looking at interesting pieces of PLYWOOD! These were going to be the walls of my bathroom. I wasn't computing. I thought the plywood was to be covered by something like wallpaper or paint. But they covered it with varnish. I wasn't paying attention. Every time I plug into an electrical outlet or turn on a light in our bedroom the outlet cover is a different style/color. Brown metal, white plastic, green plastic, wood, brass covers the various wall fixtures in our room. We still haven't put up new trim around the windows in the old bedroom. We used wood siding outside for its "rustic" look. It needed new stain about 2 yrs ago. We tore out about 5 ft. of brick sidewalk from the old front walk and still haven't replaced it.
So when we were shopping today I wasn't quite into it. We are going to hire somebody else to do it. Thank you very much. ...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
We enlarged our house by two bedrooms and a bathroom in 2003. Though I love my country home. I should have paid better attention during certain conversations. Like when hubster and the builder were discussing panels in my bathroom. I was hearing wallpaper panels or other such covered panels. Reality was out back of the hardware store looking at interesting pieces of PLYWOOD! These were going to be the walls of my bathroom. I wasn't computing. I thought the plywood was to be covered by something like wallpaper or paint. But they covered it with varnish. I wasn't paying attention. Every time I plug into an electrical outlet or turn on a light in our bedroom the outlet cover is a different style/color. Brown metal, white plastic, green plastic, wood, brass covers the various wall fixtures in our room. We still haven't put up new trim around the windows in the old bedroom. We used wood siding outside for its "rustic" look. It needed new stain about 2 yrs ago. We tore out about 5 ft. of brick sidewalk from the old front walk and still haven't replaced it.
So when we were shopping today I wasn't quite into it. We are going to hire somebody else to do it. Thank you very much. ...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
Aren't computers just SO MUCH FUN!!!
I found loading pictures onto my blog was taking 10 minutes, per picture! I ask for wireless Internet
for my birthday and magically I got it!
Then we got 2 different viruses in 2 weeks and had to put the 'puter in the hospital for antibiotics and needed treatment.
Now I have it home healed, cured, healthy.
Now I will try to down load some pics, and see what happens. But watch out when you tell the computer geeks to save your pictures. They saved the pictures, but they are all mixed up! No dates, locations. All 6000! May take me awhile to find a picture to download?
I found loading pictures onto my blog was taking 10 minutes, per picture! I ask for wireless Internet
for my birthday and magically I got it!
Then we got 2 different viruses in 2 weeks and had to put the 'puter in the hospital for antibiotics and needed treatment.
Now I have it home healed, cured, healthy.
Now I will try to down load some pics, and see what happens. But watch out when you tell the computer geeks to save your pictures. They saved the pictures, but they are all mixed up! No dates, locations. All 6000! May take me awhile to find a picture to download?
The weinie roast
I am updating. This new pic is from last summer but I just love it. We were having an impromptu weinie roast in the yard. All my grands, my mother and my daughter were here. Everybody was light hearted and having fun and I just love the happiness in everyone's eyes.
I haven't kept up the blog this summer. It's hard to commit to a couple hours of sitting in front of the 'puter when animals need to be fed, mowing needs to be done, the sun is still up. Autumn means slow. Cooler temperatures, shorter days, nature settling down for a long winters nap. That also means I can spend more time in front of the 'puter without the "guilt" sign flashing in my mind.
We drove from Kansas to Cape Coral, Fla. this summer. Visited Hubsters' parents in Cape Coral Fla., then Key West and back to Kansas. I love Key West. Love the gardens, homes, beaches, watering holes, museums. Enjoyed a sunset cruise. I also like the drive down the Keys, even though it's a 4 hour drive. Love all the little places called "Captain ____" or "___ of the sea". Such a different world than anywhere near the "lane".
While we were in Fla. our poor garden suffered. Weeds were so thick and tall we couldn't tell where the good stuff was planted. Grasshoppers had eaten all the tomatoes and corn. Cinch bugs got the cucumbers, squash, zucchini. So we mowed the whole thing under and vowed to do better next year. We had help to feed the animals and I think they liked them better than us. When we got home they were all nervous and jumpy, (I think they were pretending to have hurt feelings).
Our third annual alpaca farm day was yesterday. Hubster was in Florida assisting his parents, so I was trying to do all the things before alpaca day that we both usually do. I spent several days mowing, trimming, and digging weeds. We invite the public to see the animals and get up close with them. Alpacas don't come running when you call their names, but when they hear the rattle of the feed bucket their people skills kick in. They are curious when children are around. They push each other in order to see children and take treats from children. They let children touch their noses and they don't spit at them!!! I guarantee if I tried to touch their noses I would get a hand full of foul spit!
We drove from Kansas to Cape Coral, Fla. this summer. Visited Hubsters' parents in Cape Coral Fla., then Key West and back to Kansas. I love Key West. Love the gardens, homes, beaches, watering holes, museums. Enjoyed a sunset cruise. I also like the drive down the Keys, even though it's a 4 hour drive. Love all the little places called "Captain ____" or "___ of the sea". Such a different world than anywhere near the "lane".
While we were in Fla. our poor garden suffered. Weeds were so thick and tall we couldn't tell where the good stuff was planted. Grasshoppers had eaten all the tomatoes and corn. Cinch bugs got the cucumbers, squash, zucchini. So we mowed the whole thing under and vowed to do better next year. We had help to feed the animals and I think they liked them better than us. When we got home they were all nervous and jumpy, (I think they were pretending to have hurt feelings).
Our third annual alpaca farm day was yesterday. Hubster was in Florida assisting his parents, so I was trying to do all the things before alpaca day that we both usually do. I spent several days mowing, trimming, and digging weeds. We invite the public to see the animals and get up close with them. Alpacas don't come running when you call their names, but when they hear the rattle of the feed bucket their people skills kick in. They are curious when children are around. They push each other in order to see children and take treats from children. They let children touch their noses and they don't spit at them!!! I guarantee if I tried to touch their noses I would get a hand full of foul spit!
City girl?

Click on this twice. My sis, me, mom.
I have always loved to camp.
My parents took my sister and I camping in a little pop-up trailer in the 60's. I remember lots of bees at a place called "Valley of Fire". I stood at the base of a huge tree in "Sequoia National Park". I remember the clatter of pots and pans as a bear invaded our neighbors campsite in "Yellowstone National Park". I heard (as a child) you could get water from the inside of a cactus. I wanted to taste that water. I got terrible little cactus splinters in my hands that my mother patiently tried to remove at a campground, somewhere, maybe Tenderfoot, Mom?
As a girl I participated in Girl Scout camping trips.
Later we hung a blanket up against a fence and slept outside in the backyard (remember the ant in your ear, Susie?).
Years later my daughter, my mom our extended family and I, traveled in a motorhome to Colorado and Wyoming. A picnic table anywhere was a great place to fry up a batch of fish and fried potatoes/onions on a Coleman stove.
My daughter and I camped by our favorite lake a couple nights before she got married.
But now... I can't sleep on the floor, need a BATHROOM in the middle of the night, like my coffee ready when I wake up, don't like dirt under my fingernails, really like a hot shower and electricity.
But I do love to camp.
We have babies everywhere! So much fun! Our Amanda had her baby Saturday morning. She is white with beige spots. So don't you think she should be named Freckles? Sophia had her baby 2 weeks ago and yet she has no name. Though Hubster calls her Little Missy. Maybe that will be her name!? Both GIRLS!!! But that means we will have to pay for a wedding some day, wink, wink.
Our pheasants are laying eggs all over their yard. But she sits on them for a day or so then realizes there are eggs over there, and over there, and over there and she doesn't know which ones to sit on!
In our bird house comes the little cheeps of sparrows. Everytime I walk onto my back patio, Mama bird flies away! I feel like I'm scaring a mother from her children!
The garden is more sparse than last year. Though we enlarged it we didn't plant as much. But!... The few things we planted are doing really well. We have already harvested zucchini and squash (I have a love/hate relationship with zucchini/squash). Hubster likes zucchini and squash but I can leave it. I don't get much taste at all. But I am finding pickling cucumbers and green tomatoes. I planted purple, orange, red, yellow peppers. Won't they look so cool in a basket on my island eventually?
I have a tub planted with herbs. It is growing so much. I don't know whether to trim them back or cut, freeze, dry. I could put it in a bottle of vinegar for flavored vinegars. Anybody got recipes for those neat bottles with herbs that seem so inviting?
Have lots of bags of alpaca fleece. I'll try to post more on that soon. For now its bedtime.
...farm living is the life for me! Sanetha
Life in the not so fast lane
Things have been busy on the lane, and not. Hubster retired. Finally and totally. If you think that means I have a resident chef, mower, laundry attendant, sweeper, gardener, or any other menial jobs, WRONG! Hubster has been gimping around on his knee. I have a big, lovable, toss pillow on the couch, with its knee on the ottoman.
We installed a storm shelter. Our plan was always to run to the living room closet. Now we have a 6'x 6' concrete hole. I can't think of any other reason to go down in there unless my life was in danger!
We planted the garden. Well almost. That pesky little thing called an eight hour work day keeps getting in the way of my garden. Tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peppers have been planted, but little else. I did make a little herb garden out of a wash basin I'm quite proud of.
Rocky and I have been walking around the back pasture again. Twice Trapper has followed us around. Ever taken a cat for a walk? He has a short attention span. He walks a bit then sees a blade of grass that looks like something he should pounce on and I have to bring his attention back to our walk by calling his name numerous times. Tonight when I invited him on our walk he just looked at us and said "You just walk around in a circle. I'll stay here on this couch. Thank you for asking." Rocky went to the groomer last week. He is again the very handsome Sheltie he has always been.

Hubster forbids me from having him sheared again...

...like last summer.
We installed a storm shelter. Our plan was always to run to the living room closet. Now we have a 6'x 6' concrete hole. I can't think of any other reason to go down in there unless my life was in danger!
We planted the garden. Well almost. That pesky little thing called an eight hour work day keeps getting in the way of my garden. Tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peppers have been planted, but little else. I did make a little herb garden out of a wash basin I'm quite proud of.
Rocky and I have been walking around the back pasture again. Twice Trapper has followed us around. Ever taken a cat for a walk? He has a short attention span. He walks a bit then sees a blade of grass that looks like something he should pounce on and I have to bring his attention back to our walk by calling his name numerous times. Tonight when I invited him on our walk he just looked at us and said "You just walk around in a circle. I'll stay here on this couch. Thank you for asking." Rocky went to the groomer last week. He is again the very handsome Sheltie he has always been.
Hubster forbids me from having him sheared again...

...like last summer.
Hubster bought ten chicks. It is always fun to bring home the new chicks. We prepare their little home in the garage with food and water. Set up a light so they won't get cold. Then gently open the box so they can see their new home and we can greet our newest additions to the farm. All so sweet and country. When Hubster went out to check on them an hour or so later something had pulled them out of their little cage and bit their heads off. The two survivors were then confined to my bathtub in the witness protection program.
Hubster buys eight more. This time their home is in his game room. They are Americaunas. They will have blue and green eggs. He didn't put in the warming light, isn't it plenty warm in the house? Lost three.
If you are keeping track we then had seven. He came back from Orscheln's with the two little things on his list and SIX MORE CHICKS!
Did I mention that we have a chicken coop and hen house with seven adult territorial, bossy, old hens that won't accept some little chickies in their midst? Did I mention Hubster's plan to set up a new chicken coop/hen house in the alpaca paddock, as yet unbuilt. BUT WE HAVE CHICKS!!!

...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
Hubster buys eight more. This time their home is in his game room. They are Americaunas. They will have blue and green eggs. He didn't put in the warming light, isn't it plenty warm in the house? Lost three.
If you are keeping track we then had seven. He came back from Orscheln's with the two little things on his list and SIX MORE CHICKS!
Did I mention that we have a chicken coop and hen house with seven adult territorial, bossy, old hens that won't accept some little chickies in their midst? Did I mention Hubster's plan to set up a new chicken coop/hen house in the alpaca paddock, as yet unbuilt. BUT WE HAVE CHICKS!!!
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
Our chickens have never come from the smartest eggs in the carton. We first purchased chickens in 2003. We had about forty chickens. They were safe from predators just by their number. Do you know how many eggs that many chickens can lay in a week? Each laid one or two a day. We were handing out dozens of eggs to anyone that stood still long enough. Anyone with their hands out to shake, to pray, to hug, to grab the door knob, wash their hands, got a dozen eggs.
I came home from work one hot summer afternoon. I always count heads as I'm feeding. This particular day I come up short by about ten chickens. I searched inside the hen house, in the yard, around the field. I saw a roll of fencing with feathers sticking out of it! What???!!!! The chickens were inside the rolled up fencing and got STUCK!! They couldn't back out or go forward. So when the first one got in there, did the others say "WOW getting stuck in that fencing looks like fun?! I think I'll try it too!?" They were in there so long they had laid EGGS! We had to unroll 100ft. of fencing to free our flock. From then on the fencing was stood up vertically.
During the next summer we remodeled our house and one of the construction workers asked us about the chickens and we offered them half our flock (by that time I think we were down to about 35 so we gave him half the flock. Hooray! twenty less mouths to feed!! But then their numbers were smaller and they didn't seem such a fearsome feathered flock and became the target of frequent predators. My husband sat on the couch one afternoon and saw a chicken go running with all its might past our open french doors, (watching a chicken run with all its might is hilarious!Must be how Jurassic Park producers decided their dinosaurs should run!) then right behind her was a low flying hawk hoping to get our fat little hen for dinner. My husband jumped up off the couch to see who would win and the hawk was climbing higher into the sky without our hen in its claws. About every other year since, we have purchased a new family of chickens, for one reason or another.
I hate roosters. Have you ever seen a rooster size something up? It walks sideways flapping its wings. Like its either going to mate or attack. Two or more roosters will fight until they are bloodied. The loser will leave to die or just leave. We would see it occasionally for awhile. One year we had a BIG rooster we called Foghorn Leghorn. He had a loud crow that our neighbors across the highway, through the residential area and the next dirt road over swore they heard every morning. One day my three year old grandson was in the yard and Foghorn Leghorn came up to my beloved grandson walking sideways and flapping his wings. He was sizing up my grandson!! I ran in between them and pulled my grand away from the mean monster. He joined the food chain later that day.
But we still have chickens. The coop is deteriorated. The floor is dirt. The roof is leaking. We have tastier eggs than we've ever bought in the grocery store. If they would learn how to open the door and let themselves out in the morning and shut the door at night they would be near perfect. As long as we don't have any roosters.
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
I came home from work one hot summer afternoon. I always count heads as I'm feeding. This particular day I come up short by about ten chickens. I searched inside the hen house, in the yard, around the field. I saw a roll of fencing with feathers sticking out of it! What???!!!! The chickens were inside the rolled up fencing and got STUCK!! They couldn't back out or go forward. So when the first one got in there, did the others say "WOW getting stuck in that fencing looks like fun?! I think I'll try it too!?" They were in there so long they had laid EGGS! We had to unroll 100ft. of fencing to free our flock. From then on the fencing was stood up vertically.
During the next summer we remodeled our house and one of the construction workers asked us about the chickens and we offered them half our flock (by that time I think we were down to about 35 so we gave him half the flock. Hooray! twenty less mouths to feed!! But then their numbers were smaller and they didn't seem such a fearsome feathered flock and became the target of frequent predators. My husband sat on the couch one afternoon and saw a chicken go running with all its might past our open french doors, (watching a chicken run with all its might is hilarious!Must be how Jurassic Park producers decided their dinosaurs should run!) then right behind her was a low flying hawk hoping to get our fat little hen for dinner. My husband jumped up off the couch to see who would win and the hawk was climbing higher into the sky without our hen in its claws. About every other year since, we have purchased a new family of chickens, for one reason or another.
I hate roosters. Have you ever seen a rooster size something up? It walks sideways flapping its wings. Like its either going to mate or attack. Two or more roosters will fight until they are bloodied. The loser will leave to die or just leave. We would see it occasionally for awhile. One year we had a BIG rooster we called Foghorn Leghorn. He had a loud crow that our neighbors across the highway, through the residential area and the next dirt road over swore they heard every morning. One day my three year old grandson was in the yard and Foghorn Leghorn came up to my beloved grandson walking sideways and flapping his wings. He was sizing up my grandson!! I ran in between them and pulled my grand away from the mean monster. He joined the food chain later that day.
But we still have chickens. The coop is deteriorated. The floor is dirt. The roof is leaking. We have tastier eggs than we've ever bought in the grocery store. If they would learn how to open the door and let themselves out in the morning and shut the door at night they would be near perfect. As long as we don't have any roosters.
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha

We used to live in a small house in town next door to the business that has been in hubsters' family for generations. Hubster has baby pictures taken on the front porch. It was and is a happy house. We were newlyweds in that house. Though it was hubsters' house, I came to love it as our home. Both our children have taken prom pictures in front of the house. We found out we were going to be grandparents in that house.
We've had Christmas, Birthdays, Easter, anniversaries in that house. We sat on the front porch and watched the Saturday night cars go by. We tended the flowers we planted in the flower beds. In the backyard we had a wedding reception after hubsters son got married in Las Vegas. Hubster built a partial log cabin in the backyard.
We lived there the summer of 2000 when all the family came for a celebration in our backyard over July 4th. Roger (hubsters' brother) was there with his children. The summer we went on the Alaskan Cruise for our tenth anniversary. The summer we got the call that my father was dead.

Hubsters family history has been connected with that house and the business since 1917! Soon hubster will be retiring. The house is part of hubsters business so our family will be leaving this house behind. The house has been a rental for the past few years. We've worked hard the past six weeks getting the house ready for its' transition. It will have new tenants, new tastes, new life.
The nice thing about winter is there isn't much to do for the farm. Hubster has fed animals alot lately. I keep coming home from work after dark and they are magically already fed! This afternoon I cleaned paddocks and the 'pacas were all over themselves to get out of my way. What short memories they have! They were saying "Who is that? What is she doing here? Why is she going in the shed? Why is she getting in our feed bucket? Why is she.. oh yeah, she lives here and feeds us occasionally."
Thought I would show you a little about them. Don't let their innocent faces fool you. They can hurl spit in the blink of an eye!

This is Almond Joy. We purchased her from a farm that named all their animals after candy bars. She had her first cria on their farm. Her second cria was stillborn. Her third cria is our Ebony (no candy bar names). Joy is usually a sweetheart. Let's us stroke her back. Takes lots of treats. We can even trim her nails easily. But...if she is PREGNANT OR TRYING TO GET PREGNANT, watch out. She spits, stomps, jumps, kicks or runs in an effort not to do what we want her to do. Nothing sweetheart about her when she is pregnant. But how can you not love those great big dark eyes!

This is Ebony. Don't you just love her shy, sweet face? Her mama is Joy and they are usually together in the paddock. She was born in October of 2008. Even though Ebony is pretty close to being an adult, her mama got very upset with us when we took her out of the paddock last month to go to a show.

This is Amanda. This picture doesn't really show her best side. (I'm still trying to figure out this new camera). She is our equivilant to a stud. She gets pregnant with little fuss. Struts her stuff with little fuss. And has had GIRLS! We bought her from a ranch in Laramie Wyo. We had a couple fun vacations picking her up and taking her back to be bred. Her official name is Via Caligula's Amanda. Named for her grand sire. She used to spit at me when I didn't give her treats fast enough, but now when I think she's in the spitting mood I put my hand up toward her face in a STOP sign and she settles down and just gives me dirty looks.

This is Sophia. She was the first cria born on our ranch. We were such proud 'paca parents. She has beautiful white fleece. She won a couple ribbons as a yearling. We arranged a boyfriend for her in Wakefield, Ks. A handsome brown alpaca name Steiner. The product of this will be so much fun to see! She gave us a scare last summer when she was at another farm being bred. She had a bowel obstruction and had to have emergency surgery. Fortunately her caregivers were right on top of it and saved the pregnancy! She has been a little testy during her first pregnancy. Her paddock sorority kinda gives her a wide margin because she will kick anything that gets within her "space". But how can you not love someone during their first pregnancy?

This is Caeser or Ceaser or Cesar or Cease her or Sees her. We were told that was his name. We call him Uncle Cesar. He is a gelding (you know what a gelding is Right? Wink Wink.)He is kinda in charge. When all the girls are in the field he sits and watches them. When he thinks it's time for them to come back in the shed he gets up and walks toward the shed and they follow him. If it's time to go to the field he gets up and goes and they follow him. He is the one that gets on the weanlings when they try to nurse. We purchsed him when Joy was pregnant and would be in the paddock alone. (Not good for a female alpaca. They can get so anxious they will lose their pregnancy.) We love Uncle Cesar for doing his job.
We have eleven alpacas. They all are special in their own way. Just gotta' love 'em!
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha.
Thought I would show you a little about them. Don't let their innocent faces fool you. They can hurl spit in the blink of an eye!

This is Almond Joy. We purchased her from a farm that named all their animals after candy bars. She had her first cria on their farm. Her second cria was stillborn. Her third cria is our Ebony (no candy bar names). Joy is usually a sweetheart. Let's us stroke her back. Takes lots of treats. We can even trim her nails easily. But...if she is PREGNANT OR TRYING TO GET PREGNANT, watch out. She spits, stomps, jumps, kicks or runs in an effort not to do what we want her to do. Nothing sweetheart about her when she is pregnant. But how can you not love those great big dark eyes!

This is Ebony. Don't you just love her shy, sweet face? Her mama is Joy and they are usually together in the paddock. She was born in October of 2008. Even though Ebony is pretty close to being an adult, her mama got very upset with us when we took her out of the paddock last month to go to a show.

This is Amanda. This picture doesn't really show her best side. (I'm still trying to figure out this new camera). She is our equivilant to a stud. She gets pregnant with little fuss. Struts her stuff with little fuss. And has had GIRLS! We bought her from a ranch in Laramie Wyo. We had a couple fun vacations picking her up and taking her back to be bred. Her official name is Via Caligula's Amanda. Named for her grand sire. She used to spit at me when I didn't give her treats fast enough, but now when I think she's in the spitting mood I put my hand up toward her face in a STOP sign and she settles down and just gives me dirty looks.

This is Sophia. She was the first cria born on our ranch. We were such proud 'paca parents. She has beautiful white fleece. She won a couple ribbons as a yearling. We arranged a boyfriend for her in Wakefield, Ks. A handsome brown alpaca name Steiner. The product of this will be so much fun to see! She gave us a scare last summer when she was at another farm being bred. She had a bowel obstruction and had to have emergency surgery. Fortunately her caregivers were right on top of it and saved the pregnancy! She has been a little testy during her first pregnancy. Her paddock sorority kinda gives her a wide margin because she will kick anything that gets within her "space". But how can you not love someone during their first pregnancy?

This is Caeser or Ceaser or Cesar or Cease her or Sees her. We were told that was his name. We call him Uncle Cesar. He is a gelding (you know what a gelding is Right? Wink Wink.)He is kinda in charge. When all the girls are in the field he sits and watches them. When he thinks it's time for them to come back in the shed he gets up and walks toward the shed and they follow him. If it's time to go to the field he gets up and goes and they follow him. He is the one that gets on the weanlings when they try to nurse. We purchsed him when Joy was pregnant and would be in the paddock alone. (Not good for a female alpaca. They can get so anxious they will lose their pregnancy.) We love Uncle Cesar for doing his job.
We have eleven alpacas. They all are special in their own way. Just gotta' love 'em!
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha.
A collection of lace and memories
If you can't read this it says "I'm a Raggedy Ann person in a Barbie Doll world". That pretty much explains me. I am a collector. Especially dolls. My husband buys me dolls for Christmas. Each is special on her own. Each has her/his own story. If I see a doll that looks lonely, I buy her. A doll I had when I was little, I buy her. A doll that is just plain beautiful, I buy her. I'm just a sucker for dolls. I name them if they don't come with an obvious name. I remember all their names.
This is baby Chatty Cathy. My sis had one of these with dark hair. She brings back such special memories with my sis.
This is Charmin' Chatty. She had records that slipped into her side that had cute sayings. If you see any of these little records I would love to have one. She also had black round glasses which are missing. But I just love her.
This is Oliver. I thought he looked like the "Artful Dodger". Hubster thought I would like a boy doll.
I named her Cynthia. I just thought it was a beautiful name for a beautiful doll with pretty curls.
This is Princess Di. Of course. Her namesake was such a beauty. The world is less glamorous because Diana is not here.
This is Pollyanna. Haley Mills starred in the movie. As a child I liked crystals that shined rainbows on the wall. I liked The fishing booth at Fun Night. You know, you put your "fishing pole" over a barrier and someone in the back put something on the other end.
My antique baby. I found her at an antique mall under some antique quilts. My granddaughter loves to walk around with her. My daughter is afraid she might break her. But dolls were meant to be loved by little girls and I love that maybe my granddaughter, like her mama and grandmother will love dolls.
I collect many things so in this area I will show you my collections. Please be patient with this collector/hoarder/accumulater/stuff lover.
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha.
The stars lined up!!!
Oh how sometimes the stars line up in my favor and I have a wonderful experience.
Wichita has recently become a green pasture for excellent performers. After years of entertainers saying "Where's Wichita Kansas?", we've had a flow of great entertainment to our city. I've been fortunate to be a part of it. But let me explain to you how the stars lined up.
I took my daughter to see Alan Jackson last March. I took hubster to see Jeff Foxworthy in October. My daughter and I saw "Wicked" in November. Sis, Mom, Daughter, and I saw Martina McBride & Trace Adkins in December. Hubster and I saw Brad Paisley in January, I bought tickets to see Billy Joel & Elton John in March. We have been so tied to our animals we haven't taken a vacation or gone anywhere! So my excitement was looking forward to these performances. But... according to hubster I had kind of shot my wad in concerts and I probably should cool it for awhile and let the heat come off the VISA card. So when George Strait & Reba McEntire tickets went on sale I didn't jump on the bandwagon and the tickets "sold out" the same day! Well that's that. Okay. Life goes on.
As the day of the concert got closer I was a little bummed. I really like Reba, and here she will be in Wichita and I won't see her! (I have only recently come to appreciate George Strait, but mom has been a fan since dirt started) Our "Relay for Life" team had two tickets to sell for a fund raiser. Wow! Maybe I could actually see Reba! Hubster would have to work that evening. So I called my mother to see if she would want to split the price. (No added heat to the VISA card) So I put in my bid of $320. I lost out by $25! I called mom and felt bad at how disappointed she was. I even called a radio station and tried to WIN tickets. The day of the concert I got home from work about 5:30 I got on the internet to just look on the ticket site to see the big "Sold Out" banner and it wasn't there. There was a big BUY TICKETS button! What they hey! I'll try. (Only $200!) The concert started at 7:00 and I was printing off the tickets on my computer at 5:50 and calling Mom to get her jeans on, we were going to see George Strait & Reba!!! We didn't know where we were going to park or where our seats were but we were as excited as two teen-agers at a Taylor Swift concert!
We had to park a couple blocks away, but we were so pumped we hardly noticed how far we walked! When we got to the door and presented our tickets I had a flash of them not letting us in because these were BOGUS tickets, but they took our tickets with a smile, checked our purses and welcomed us right in. I didn't mention they probably shouldn't touch the tickets because the ink wasn't dry. Our tickets were 30ft. from the stage and 7 rows up! Nearly perfect! Both performers were awesome, (yeah I know that is an overused word these days). Mom was screaming right along with everybody else. She "whispered" over to me once - "I'M NOT EMBARASSING YOU AM I?" She could never embarass me. We had a great time. What a special experience for this mother-daughter duo!!
Oh how sometimes the stars line up in my favor.
...farm living is the life for me! Sanetha.
Wichita has recently become a green pasture for excellent performers. After years of entertainers saying "Where's Wichita Kansas?", we've had a flow of great entertainment to our city. I've been fortunate to be a part of it. But let me explain to you how the stars lined up.
I took my daughter to see Alan Jackson last March. I took hubster to see Jeff Foxworthy in October. My daughter and I saw "Wicked" in November. Sis, Mom, Daughter, and I saw Martina McBride & Trace Adkins in December. Hubster and I saw Brad Paisley in January, I bought tickets to see Billy Joel & Elton John in March. We have been so tied to our animals we haven't taken a vacation or gone anywhere! So my excitement was looking forward to these performances. But... according to hubster I had kind of shot my wad in concerts and I probably should cool it for awhile and let the heat come off the VISA card. So when George Strait & Reba McEntire tickets went on sale I didn't jump on the bandwagon and the tickets "sold out" the same day! Well that's that. Okay. Life goes on.
As the day of the concert got closer I was a little bummed. I really like Reba, and here she will be in Wichita and I won't see her! (I have only recently come to appreciate George Strait, but mom has been a fan since dirt started) Our "Relay for Life" team had two tickets to sell for a fund raiser. Wow! Maybe I could actually see Reba! Hubster would have to work that evening. So I called my mother to see if she would want to split the price. (No added heat to the VISA card) So I put in my bid of $320. I lost out by $25! I called mom and felt bad at how disappointed she was. I even called a radio station and tried to WIN tickets. The day of the concert I got home from work about 5:30 I got on the internet to just look on the ticket site to see the big "Sold Out" banner and it wasn't there. There was a big BUY TICKETS button! What they hey! I'll try. (Only $200!) The concert started at 7:00 and I was printing off the tickets on my computer at 5:50 and calling Mom to get her jeans on, we were going to see George Strait & Reba!!! We didn't know where we were going to park or where our seats were but we were as excited as two teen-agers at a Taylor Swift concert!
We had to park a couple blocks away, but we were so pumped we hardly noticed how far we walked! When we got to the door and presented our tickets I had a flash of them not letting us in because these were BOGUS tickets, but they took our tickets with a smile, checked our purses and welcomed us right in. I didn't mention they probably shouldn't touch the tickets because the ink wasn't dry. Our tickets were 30ft. from the stage and 7 rows up! Nearly perfect! Both performers were awesome, (yeah I know that is an overused word these days). Mom was screaming right along with everybody else. She "whispered" over to me once - "I'M NOT EMBARASSING YOU AM I?" She could never embarass me. We had a great time. What a special experience for this mother-daughter duo!!
Oh how sometimes the stars line up in my favor.
...farm living is the life for me! Sanetha.
First Date - For Valentines Day
My husband said to me once "you know me, I meet someone for the first time and I blab my entire life story"! Yes, and I love him for that.
My husband and I met on a blind date, organized by his friend and my neighbor. My neighbor ask if I would be interested in a date with her son's friend. I was single. I had been on blind dates with brothers, co-workers, friends of friends. None had been memorable. She recommended him highly so I said yes.
I gave the neighbor my number. He called for a date a few days later. We were going to a supper club and he would pick me up. It's funny to look back on that date from my perspective and now know his perspective. (His perspective: He likes to say he lost it when I opened the door. He says he fell in love with me at that moment. My perspective: I thought he was older than anyone I had ever dated.)
He ordered a drink and I ordered a Tom Collins. (His perspective: I wasn't much of a drinker. My perspective: I prefer beer, but didn't know the names of any cool drinks except T.C.) We talked about the weather, nice. Sports, I didn't know Superbowl from World Series. Then we started talking about camping. I told him my daughter and I like to camp. We take our tent to the lake. Picnic and sleep in sleeping bags and fish. He told me he belonged to a historical re-enactment group and sleeps in a teepee. (His perspective: This girl really is interested in me because she did her homework on what would impress me! My perspective: Shouldn't tell him about being alone at the lake. Just in case!)
He kissed me goodnight and I kept my hands in my pockets (he's mentioned that a few times over the years.) We dated for a few weeks then I broke it off. Today he probably would be considered a stalker. He just thought he was biding his time until I changed my mind. He would ride his bike down my street early in the morning and wait for my daughter to start off on her bike and ride with her to school. He thought he could get to the mother through the daughter. (I gave him points for that one). On my birthday he gave me chocolates and a "friendly" card. My mother sat me down and persuaded me to give him another try. So a few days later I called him to see if he wanted to come to my house for dinner. In all my years of dating, I had never called a guy for a date. He said he had other plans! I was ticked. A few nights later he called to see if I wanted to go to a football game and I said I had other plans (couldn't let him get one up on me)! The next night he called and said he would like to take me to dinner and he would pick me up in a half hour. After that we were pretty inseperable. Sometime I'll have to tell you about the trip to Mexico. Or my first rendevous. Or our first Thanksgiving. He is just a person that gives unconditional love. We got married a year and a half later. Now we've been married nearly twenty years. Eleven alpacas, eight chickens, six grandchildren, in-laws, a cat, a dog and a farm. I'm sure glad I didn't turn down a blind date!
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
My husband and I met on a blind date, organized by his friend and my neighbor. My neighbor ask if I would be interested in a date with her son's friend. I was single. I had been on blind dates with brothers, co-workers, friends of friends. None had been memorable. She recommended him highly so I said yes.
I gave the neighbor my number. He called for a date a few days later. We were going to a supper club and he would pick me up. It's funny to look back on that date from my perspective and now know his perspective. (His perspective: He likes to say he lost it when I opened the door. He says he fell in love with me at that moment. My perspective: I thought he was older than anyone I had ever dated.)
He ordered a drink and I ordered a Tom Collins. (His perspective: I wasn't much of a drinker. My perspective: I prefer beer, but didn't know the names of any cool drinks except T.C.) We talked about the weather, nice. Sports, I didn't know Superbowl from World Series. Then we started talking about camping. I told him my daughter and I like to camp. We take our tent to the lake. Picnic and sleep in sleeping bags and fish. He told me he belonged to a historical re-enactment group and sleeps in a teepee. (His perspective: This girl really is interested in me because she did her homework on what would impress me! My perspective: Shouldn't tell him about being alone at the lake. Just in case!)
He kissed me goodnight and I kept my hands in my pockets (he's mentioned that a few times over the years.) We dated for a few weeks then I broke it off. Today he probably would be considered a stalker. He just thought he was biding his time until I changed my mind. He would ride his bike down my street early in the morning and wait for my daughter to start off on her bike and ride with her to school. He thought he could get to the mother through the daughter. (I gave him points for that one). On my birthday he gave me chocolates and a "friendly" card. My mother sat me down and persuaded me to give him another try. So a few days later I called him to see if he wanted to come to my house for dinner. In all my years of dating, I had never called a guy for a date. He said he had other plans! I was ticked. A few nights later he called to see if I wanted to go to a football game and I said I had other plans (couldn't let him get one up on me)! The next night he called and said he would like to take me to dinner and he would pick me up in a half hour. After that we were pretty inseperable. Sometime I'll have to tell you about the trip to Mexico. Or my first rendevous. Or our first Thanksgiving. He is just a person that gives unconditional love. We got married a year and a half later. Now we've been married nearly twenty years. Eleven alpacas, eight chickens, six grandchildren, in-laws, a cat, a dog and a farm. I'm sure glad I didn't turn down a blind date!
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
Winter blahs
Seasonal affective disorder. I have read about this in text books. People get depressed when they haven't been in the sun for a period of time. They have sun lamps especially for people with this disorder. I think I am experiencing it. I want to go out and run (well maybe walk) with the sun in my face. I want to plant flowers. I want to MOW (I must be desperate if I want to mow). I can close my eyes really tight and believe I'm cold because I need to turn up the air conditioner! I want to feel the crisp sting of a sunburn! I want to find my flip-flops! I want to dig out my bathing suit (maybe not). I want to take a walk around my back pasture. Seasonal affective disorder. BLAH! I need SUN!!!
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha!
I am so excited!! I have a snow day! Well I can pretend I'm snowed in, and pretend I saw my name on TV saying I didn't have to go to work (actually it's Saturday).
I was up early this morning and must show you the pictures I took. I'm trying to understand this picture taking stuff. I don't know what all the little pictures on the dial are for (I think it helps with the picture taking). I know landscape, portrait, auto. See what I mean:

This series of pictures was a little blurry. I have a tripod, but it seemed a little much to handle in my pajamas and slippers. The moon was beautiful shining on the snow. We really do live in the country, but if you look close you can see the (blurry) lights of the Wal-Mart parking lot. Oh well.
...farm living is the life for me! Sanetha.
I was up early this morning and must show you the pictures I took. I'm trying to understand this picture taking stuff. I don't know what all the little pictures on the dial are for (I think it helps with the picture taking). I know landscape, portrait, auto. See what I mean:

This series of pictures was a little blurry. I have a tripod, but it seemed a little much to handle in my pajamas and slippers. The moon was beautiful shining on the snow. We really do live in the country, but if you look close you can see the (blurry) lights of the Wal-Mart parking lot. Oh well.
...farm living is the life for me! Sanetha.
Our poor sheltered alpaca males think that every time we halter another animal they're going to breed. They puff up their chests, stand on macho mountain and act like obnoxious hormone driven teenagers. "WE'RE JUST PUTTING THEM IN THE TRAILER... GEEZ!" When we halter the girls they think they're getting bred and get a little sluggish like they want to be caught but they don't want to seem "easy".
We got all the 'pacas and grandsons loaded up for the show (grandsons have nearly as much equipment as the animals). It was a two hour drive to Shawnee Oklahoma for the Alpaca Blast-off. We set up stalls, displayed our ranch information and penned the animals in record time. I made new pamphlets and business cards for this show. I sent the grandsons to collect business cards and pamphlets from other farms to get ideas on improving ours (is that cheating or resourceful?). I would like to make our pamphlet fun(!?),exciting(!?),educational(!?).
Hubster and I show our animals. I walk the animal into a ring with a judge and all the other animals in our class. Animals are divided into classes by age, sex, color, breed,and length of fleece. An hour before I have to show, my heart pounds and the lead I'm holding gets sweaty. THEN when I get out in the judging ring I always have to pee! I picture sitting on the pot with an alpaca staring at me with the look saying "how come you didn't go before we left home?" and I am able to presevere until the judging is over.
Ebony took a 5th place (green ribbon). I showed her (cardiac arrhythmia, diaphoresis and all)!
Isis took 4th place (pink ribbon). Hubster showed her. Hubster is cool in the ring. He even showed someone else's animal!
So...we are home from the show. Christmas is over. Winter drags on. I hope I can blog more. ...farm living is the life for me! Sanetha

Just have to tell you about my sis. My best memories of being a child involve my little sister. Playing with dolls, going on vacation, or hanging out on the couch, she was the best part of my childhood. Now she lives the life most of us dream of (at least me anyway). She is a career girl. She lives in a cabin on a lake. She and her husband spend summer weekends on their boat. Having a birthday in January has always kind of sucked. If it wasn't snowing, it was too cold to go anywhere to celebrate. It is too early for spring/summer stuff and almost too late for winter stuff.

You can tell which one is me. When she was around I always had a big smile on my face.
Saturday Morning
Boy have I developed a great appreciation for Saturday mornings. This past year I have been working a Mon-Fri job. In nursing, those are hard to come by. Especially a Saturday morning that is free to do whatever! I can clean house, play with the 'pacas, read, watch HGTV, plan a project or just sit and dream! I could take a walk around the ranch if I wanted. So many possibilities! So what would I do if I had a million dollars and a Saturday Morning to do whatever? You know I'd probably do exactly what I'm doing right now! Work on the blog (it would just be a little more exciting). Life is good.
The weather today is to be fairly nice for January. No snow, no wind chill factors, no ice. One morning this week we had fog that froze on the trees. The newspaper called it "hoar frost", sounds like an S.T.D. doesn't it? Life is good.
I haven't been getting up at 5:00 in the morning to work on the blog, like my New Year's resolution plan. But that is OK. Because New Year's resolutions are goals. If my resolution was to lose weight I wouldn't have accomplished it by January 2, right? Every time I work on my blog in the morning I've accomplished something. Life is good.
Next weekend we will be going to an alpaca show in Oklahoma. We're taking two grandsons. They add an extra bit of fun when they go with us.(Except maybe if you remember my "OOPS!" blog from a few months ago). One is coming for the first time. All the animals we're taking have been to a show before so we're not sweating their performance. I come home from each show with a list of things we should bring next time that would make our presentation better (then I misplace said list before next show). We love to see all the animals at the shows. Beautiful fleeces, beautiful animals. Helps us pilgrims know what to strive for in our breeding program. Life is good.
Trapper and Rocky have somewhat of a competition going!? I hadn't let Trapper outside since the demise of his reproductive organs. Now he is making up for lost time finding mice. He gets them, brings them to the door, then Rocky picks them up and presents them to us, like he was the one that trapped it. He will say something like "look what I did"! We will congratulate him, (doesn't hurt to encourage him). But we know who really got the points for that one. Life is good.
I belong to Epsilon Sigma Alpha. We are a national group of women that raise funds for charitable organizations. Our main charity is St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Our little chapter is very close. We celebrated our 45th year in 2007. Recently we lost a sister. We know she is in heaven working on God's garden with her husband. Life is good.
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha.
The weather today is to be fairly nice for January. No snow, no wind chill factors, no ice. One morning this week we had fog that froze on the trees. The newspaper called it "hoar frost", sounds like an S.T.D. doesn't it? Life is good.
I haven't been getting up at 5:00 in the morning to work on the blog, like my New Year's resolution plan. But that is OK. Because New Year's resolutions are goals. If my resolution was to lose weight I wouldn't have accomplished it by January 2, right? Every time I work on my blog in the morning I've accomplished something. Life is good.
Next weekend we will be going to an alpaca show in Oklahoma. We're taking two grandsons. They add an extra bit of fun when they go with us.(Except maybe if you remember my "OOPS!" blog from a few months ago). One is coming for the first time. All the animals we're taking have been to a show before so we're not sweating their performance. I come home from each show with a list of things we should bring next time that would make our presentation better (then I misplace said list before next show). We love to see all the animals at the shows. Beautiful fleeces, beautiful animals. Helps us pilgrims know what to strive for in our breeding program. Life is good.
Trapper and Rocky have somewhat of a competition going!? I hadn't let Trapper outside since the demise of his reproductive organs. Now he is making up for lost time finding mice. He gets them, brings them to the door, then Rocky picks them up and presents them to us, like he was the one that trapped it. He will say something like "look what I did"! We will congratulate him, (doesn't hurt to encourage him). But we know who really got the points for that one. Life is good.
I belong to Epsilon Sigma Alpha. We are a national group of women that raise funds for charitable organizations. Our main charity is St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Our little chapter is very close. We celebrated our 45th year in 2007. Recently we lost a sister. We know she is in heaven working on God's garden with her husband. Life is good.
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha.
Bitter cold in Kansas
The last few days I have been on a sort of vacation. I'm not at my employers' establishment, but I am running my butt off! Hubster and I are cleaning out two garages and a basement room. These rooms are 40 year black holes. Everything that we haven't known what to do with has been sucked into them. Here is just a speck of the guest list: old computer printer, 8 track tape player, Playboy magazines, stereo speakers, bread machine (I was sure it could be fixed), bottles, a basket casket, cast iron wood burning stoves (yes, I do mean plural), a ten speed bike, rocking chairs, wicker chairs, tools, sad irons, baby bed, military memorabilia. We separate things into the trash pile, keep pile, and auction pile. I have been good about not bringing stuff back into the house. The picture of the young girl, goes. The little red wooden sewing rocker that is beautifully simple, goes. I already have 3 wooden rockers in my living room.
It is bitter cold here in Kansas. We are making extra preparations to keep our alpacas protected from the below 0 wind chill factors. Shelter for our females consists of a three sided carport. The shed is open to the east. There is a split down the middle with a gait on each side. Another gait in the middle is access to each side. When the wind blows snow around we get drifts inside. So we build a wall of hay bales over half the east opening. Hubster then wires the bales to the gait so the animals can nibble on the hay and won't pull it over. We have always had a heater inside the water trough, so we humans don't have to break ice. Our animals poop in the shed. I know. I know. This is the bane of most alpaca owners. There are acres of land to poop on! WHY DO THEY POOP IN THE SHED? Because of this we don't put straw on the floor. It is too huge a mess to clean every day. But yesterday we put a layer of straw down to provide a little extra insulation when they are cushed on the ground. They have warm, thick, fleecey coats so they will be fine.
Yesterday, we said goodbye to the reproductive organs of Trapper. They were gone before their prime, never put to good use, a loss to the feline species. But, NO BABY KITTIES ON SANETHA'S COUNTRY LANE!!! WOOHOO! I swear his MEOW is an octave higher this morning. Is that really possible?
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
It is bitter cold here in Kansas. We are making extra preparations to keep our alpacas protected from the below 0 wind chill factors. Shelter for our females consists of a three sided carport. The shed is open to the east. There is a split down the middle with a gait on each side. Another gait in the middle is access to each side. When the wind blows snow around we get drifts inside. So we build a wall of hay bales over half the east opening. Hubster then wires the bales to the gait so the animals can nibble on the hay and won't pull it over. We have always had a heater inside the water trough, so we humans don't have to break ice. Our animals poop in the shed. I know. I know. This is the bane of most alpaca owners. There are acres of land to poop on! WHY DO THEY POOP IN THE SHED? Because of this we don't put straw on the floor. It is too huge a mess to clean every day. But yesterday we put a layer of straw down to provide a little extra insulation when they are cushed on the ground. They have warm, thick, fleecey coats so they will be fine.
Yesterday, we said goodbye to the reproductive organs of Trapper. They were gone before their prime, never put to good use, a loss to the feline species. But, NO BABY KITTIES ON SANETHA'S COUNTRY LANE!!! WOOHOO! I swear his MEOW is an octave higher this morning. Is that really possible?
...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha
I had an epiphany this afternoon (I had to look up the spelling and meaning of this word in my ancient dictionary). I glanced at a picture of my daughter and her family taken several years ago and thought "she looks like me"! I've seen this picture a thousand times. In this picture she has dark hair but usually it's light. She is beautiful, blond, muscular. So unlike me. I'm dark haired, clumsy, fluffy. I got tears in my eyes. I won't tell you how old we are. I was only 17 when she burst into my life and changed me forever. I may have ended up a bar fly, drug addict, or somebody's b---h! But no I am her mother and her children's grandmother. How lucky could I possibly be! I love you Sharon. ...farm living is the life for me. Sanetha.
This is what greeted me this New Year's morning. The table. This symbol of our home we purchased at an auction 7 or 8yrs ago for $50. It has been surrounded by holiday meals, birthday cakes, craft projects, giggles and tears. It has been piled high with alpaca fleece, clean clothes, bills, shopping finds or groceries, at one time or another. It never ask for anything in return except to be occasionally wiped off or repaired. Its only repair now will be a permanent fix. Probably will no longer be able to go short or long with the addition of a leaf. Mourn our table. Or cheer, I GET TO BUY A NEW ONE!!! (I swear it was that way when I woke up.) ...farm living is the life for me! Happy New Year!!! Sanetha.
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