Click on this twice. My sis, me, mom.
I have always loved to camp.
My parents took my sister and I camping in a little pop-up trailer in the 60's. I remember lots of bees at a place called "Valley of Fire". I stood at the base of a huge tree in "Sequoia National Park". I remember the clatter of pots and pans as a bear invaded our neighbors campsite in "Yellowstone National Park". I heard (as a child) you could get water from the inside of a cactus. I wanted to taste that water. I got terrible little cactus splinters in my hands that my mother patiently tried to remove at a campground, somewhere, maybe Tenderfoot, Mom?
As a girl I participated in Girl Scout camping trips.
Later we hung a blanket up against a fence and slept outside in the backyard (remember the ant in your ear, Susie?).
Years later my daughter, my mom our extended family and I, traveled in a motorhome to Colorado and Wyoming. A picnic table anywhere was a great place to fry up a batch of fish and fried potatoes/onions on a Coleman stove.
My daughter and I camped by our favorite lake a couple nights before she got married.
But now... I can't sleep on the floor, need a BATHROOM in the middle of the night, like my coffee ready when I wake up, don't like dirt under my fingernails, really like a hot shower and electricity.
But I do love to camp.
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