Just relieving myself.

All right!!! I'm back to my computer! We really are just slaves to our computers. When the 'puter goes pffffft, we (I) go into a down slide! I'm hardly fit to be with. So here I go!!

I don't know who will appreciate this little entry but I have to get this off my chest because it is my opinion and this blog is really about me.

Defensive weapons have taken criticism. I say "defensive weapons". An instrument to defend the ones you love. At a point in my life I did not understand the true purpose of weapons. I thought, as Americans in 2009 think, "guns kill people".

When this country was first conceived, citizens were bullied, threatened, abused, assaulted, blackmailed, murdered, stabbed and tortured, to become part of something they (our ancestors) didn't understand. Bigger and more powerful people thought they knew what was good and right. Our ancestors came from governments that didn't allow a raise of arms against their governments. They were forced to submit. Their jobs were assigned, their home was allotted, the number of children they bore was limited. They didn't earn money as we understand the spending of money. They earned esteem. If the government approved, they could buy their family groceries. If the government approved, they could rent a home, from the government, that would house their family. The government could come into their home and take their assets or punish their children and family for a perceived slight of the government. They could not protect themselves. They were not allowed to own "defensive weapons".

An entire country. Not just a city, county or island, but an entire country was opened to the freedom and development of people. They could exercise whatever kind of passion encompassed them. Whether it was the freedom of religion, spirit, agriculture or art it was possible to have an entire country to discover this without the encroachment of government wanting their conformity. They were able to do this because ...the people could defend themselves.

...just wanted to express my opinion. ...farm living is the life for me.

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